Sunday, November 26, 2006

Hong Kong 2

This is an amazing place!! Consumer heaven, pollution hell! We have had a great time - afternoon tea in the Peninsula playing at being old colonials, up to the Peak on the scary tram, walking for miles rubber necking at the incredible skyscraper buildings, riding the Star ferry between the islands like old hands. We also went on a day trip to China! That was an experience and a half! Went to Shezhou - a new town that has grown in 25 years from a fishing village with a population of 30,000 to the fourth largest town in China with a population of 7.5 million! Saw a giant panda, some of the original Xian terracotta warriors and soem exquisite silk work pictures. We visited a 'Free Market' which sold food- some amazing varieties and we avoided the fried scorpions, Ben!!!Also went to Canton, which was a massive culture shock!!!! I don't think I could survive a long trip in China - I would get arrested for shooting my mouth off, but it was a fantastic experience that we were not expecting to have.
We leave tomorrow for Singapore, but will have to return to Hong Kong at some time. Next time it will be at the end of the trip, so that we can take advantage of the shopping opportunities as well as the sights!!!!
Love to all

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